As summer seems to dawdle, I have decided to finish a final dress : Lekala dress 4324. It has been a while since I have discovered the
Lekala patterns website and I didn't know what to think about it. Maybe because most of the patterns are only illustrated, I couldn't figure out how it would fit real people. Eventually Lekala patterns are so cheap that I couldn't help myself trying them and I started with the cute Lekala dress 4324. It is a dress with flat pleats and a wide belt, gathered under the bust. I found the perfect fabric for this dress at
Henry & Henriette shop :
chambray with little ecru stars.
Instruction easy to follow 
Well, there won't be any surprise as the "instructions" are free to download, you only purchase the pattern. Because it is very cheap, you can't expect detailed explanations to help you sewing... and you won't improve your style with it. So I advice you to choose a clothe you have already sewed (for example, I won't sew my first trousers with a LEKALA pattern). Although I have several dresses under my belt, I had a hard time with these flat folds! Once again I had a look to the "
Coupe Couture" website and that helped. The personal measures you enter when ordering the pattern let you think that you won't need to adjust the cloth on you... I was wrong, I had to reduce the waist band from 3 cm!
Pattern alteration
I shortened the skirt because I know the length that suits me the best. I also lined the belt, even if it was not mentioned. Otherwise I didn't change anything else.
Lekala pattern are the cheapest pattern I have bought so far : $2.24 only! If I add the cost of the fabric (1,50m at 17€/m), this Lekala dress 4324 only costs me around 30 euros!
I have worn this little dress only 2 times but I already know that it is one of my favorite dress! It is comfortable and cute. The Chambray I used is all-purpose so I hope I winter won't come to fast...
In a word 
I am very pleased with the result of this Lekala dress 4324! The result looks like the illustration presented on the website. I would not advice Lekaka patterns to beginners because the lack of explanations would be very frustrating.
I popped over here from Lekala. I love this dress so much. Thank you for the tip re- the waistband, I think I will be making this for my daughter very soon.
xx Nicole